Sunday, October 12, 2008


Tad died tonight.
He was old, grumpy and would pee in the house...on anything. He was 15 years old (105 in dog years), lost most his teeth and his breath stank. His hearing was shot, eye sight was poor and if he didn't feel like going out the dog door he would poop in the house.

Tad was my friend Wilson and Darla's dog but he was my buddy. They have 5 dogs and of all, he was my favorite. When I first returned to New Orleans after Katrina I had to stay at their house. Tad use to hang out with me in my room, until he would try to pee on something of mine. I couldn’t relax with him around but I liked his company. He was always happy to grab whatever food hit the ground, always happy to get his ears scratched, happy to pee on my stuff.

I hope when I get that bad there is someone who still likes me, and someone who misses me as much as I will miss him.

Somewhere in heaven an angel is shooing Tad as he takes aim to mark his space.

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