Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just Thinking

Things that make me think,

When did this economic trouble become so last minute? Did these CEOs suddenly discover that they misplaced 700 billion dollars just last week.
I would get fired if I lost $20 in a regester. Just to add, I wouldn't get 5 to 65 million for the trouble.

From whom are we getting the 700 billion? What is the interest rate? Don't forget, we are in debit for more than we have ever been. What is America's credit rating?

While America worries about gas why is the rest of the world worrying about food? Germany and China are buying farmland like crazy in America. I like food more than gas.

Pakistan and American troops are shooting at each other after American troops have entered their country. Pakistan has asked us not to enter and we are anyway. More folks shooting at each other.
I don't even know what to say about this.

This country would do better if we had "none of the above" listed when we vote.

1 comment:

Doc said...

Ok..couldnt take anymore. I will help you with the 700 billion. It started with the Urban Revitalization Act. That is giving minorities and "poor" people loans they could not afford. Between ACORN and the messures put in place by congressmen Frank and Dodd, banks were forced into making loans to people who could have never gotten a loan anywhere. These loans were backed by the US government through Fanny May and Mac. Who then in turn bundled them as securities backed by the good faith in the US government and sold to various investment agencies. This created a housing bubble. As the loans forclosed, it put more strain on the companies that had invested in them, IE Leamon Brothers comes to mind. This is a government caused collapse. No one in America has the "Right" to Housing, food or anything else they don't earn. The 700 billion was invested in minorities and "poor" people. And as we can now tell, it was a bad investment.

As for Pakistan, did you know that the predator Drones we are using there are based in Pakistan , on Pakistani miltary bases. Ms. Barabara Boxer left that cat out of the Bag.

Once again, big government has gotten in the way of the natural order of things